Saturday, August 6, 2011

Off to Tui

This morning we all woke up bright and early, and went to a local Franciscan convent, where we had Mass.  Afterwards, we were privileged to meet the bishop of Coria, Bishop Francisco Cerro Chaves, who expressed his gratitude to SOLT, and gave us a travel blessing for our journey.  So we´ll be heading out in a little while to Tui, where we´ll have a day of rest and preparation for the pilgrimage to Compostela.

Btw, we´d like to give a shout out to Annie Lahola and Sr. Mary of Holy Hope, who are celebrating their birthdays today on this Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Praying for you all, we remain,
Our Lady´s Pilgrims

-Blogged by Paul

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so glad that you made this blog. What a wonderful group. Wish I could be with y'all. My prayers and masses accompany you. God love you and Our Lady keep you.
