Monday, August 15, 2011

From Ada...

In Coria (hopefully my future home), we were able to see a glimpse of the table cloth that is said to have been used, along with the shroud of Turin, at the last supper. Here in Compostella, we had the privilege to celebrate Mass at the tomb of St. James who as we all know was at the Last Supper.  This reminds me that it is at the "table" that we come together and reflect, talk, and communion with our families. We have been together for most of our meals and have come together as family- God's family realizing that we are all part of the mystical body of Christ!


  1. Ada - I have been talking to steve about Corria - let's do lunch! America is a mess! I will write padre V.

  2. +JMJ
    This is great just discoved your blog and what a name Our Lady's Pilgrim's! Thanks for the update! I hope you enjoyed Santarem I loved it there I hope and pray to go back soon!
