Friday, August 12, 2011

From Thursday

Hola de Caldas de Reis, Epana! We just finished Mass, and decided to splurge and go out for hamburgesa! Ran into a group from Ireland which was pretty cool, we talked and joked around for about an hour! Caldas is really nice, there's a hot spring here, with a little pool, which is great for soaking tired feet in!!! The walk is going really well, everybody hanging in there with various aches and pains, nothing a little r&r can't fix after we reach our destination ;) 
Only two more days of walking, and we'll get our shells, and be finished with our quest. The Camino is truly amazing, a time of spiritual growth and reflection....and it really is a test of body, mind, and soul. One moment you hate it, and wish it was over, and a few Km down the road it's one of the best things that's ever happened, and you dream of doing a longer one again 'bout the 30 day from France!
So we march on, and remain, as always, 
Our Lady's Pilgrims

Praying and thinking about you all, and wishing you all a...
Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. Pilgrims - we love seeing the pics and posts - have you seen our posts? i am not sure you have - maybe so!?? praying for you all day and some at night, too! :) - will do an Assumption novena w/you along with a continued saint James one as well...Fernando in Madrid said not to worry if you cannot email them back (WYDay folks) - not a problem
